IMPORTANT: in store only. Location
51 Springfield St, Agawam, Massachusetts, 01001
At Cigar Room 2 in Agawam, MA, we believe that great experiences should be accessible to everyone. We strive to provide our customers with the best selection of premium cigars, hand-selected by our knowledgeable cigar professionals. Our Cigar of the Month Club subscription plan allows customers to expand their horizons and explore a variety of cigars they wouldn’t normally buy.
Monthly members of the "Cigar of the Month Club" receive a small locker, an exquisite cigar, raffle entries, exclusive events and discounts on pre-orders. Yearly members get even more, come in and ask us about it.
Join us and let us take you on a journey through the world of cigars! With the Cigar Room 2 Cigar of the Month Club, you will discover cigars from all around the world, sample a variety of premium cigars, and learn about different traditions and styles. We are passionate about helping you find the perfect cigar, and we take pride in making sure all our customers have the best experience possible. Whether you are a cigar novice or an expert smoker, Cigar Room 2’s Cigar of the Month Club is the perfect way to explore and sample different cigars. Sign up today and experience the best "Cigar of the Month Club" in Agawam!
Our team is awaiting your contact. Please send us a message and we will reply as soon as possible.
Give us a call
(413) 285-8078Send us an email
[email protected]