Unwind in Style with CIGAR ROOM II's Mobile Cigar Experience!
Ditch the venue scramble and elevate your event with CIGAR ROOM II's premium mobile cigar experience. We bring the luxury of a dedicated smoking (where permitted by local regulations) area directly to you, indoors or outdoors, allowing your guests to unwind and savor a fine cigar in style.
Here's what makes CIGAR ROOM II the perfect choice for your next event:
Make your next event unforgettable. Contact CIGAR ROOM II today!
Please note: Due to local smoking regulations, we may need to discuss the placement of our mobile cigar room with you to ensure compliance.
Our team is awaiting your contact. Please send us a message and we will reply as soon as possible.
Give us a call
(413) 285-8078Send us an email
[email protected]